The topic of facial recognition technology continues to be an issue up for debate and will soon be the subject of a Zoom meeting for the Economic Affairs Interim Committee. Recently an article published by Montana Public Radio highlighted a school district that has been using the technology for two years. The article piqued the interest of several committee members, and an informational panel discussion with the school district, along with the Montana School Board Association, School Administrators of Montana, and the Office of Public Instruction, will take place on Monday, October 3. The sheriff’s office mentioned in the article declined to attend.

The Economic Affairs Interim Committee recently wrapped up its work on the 2021-2022 interim session, including its HJ48 study on the use of facial recognition technology in the state. While the study resolution instructed the committee to focus on state agencies and law enforcement use of the technology, the committee recognized the opportunity for use of the technology by other sectors, including the private sector and other entities, and realized the topic was a complex issue that may need additional study.

In the end, after multiple hearings with agencies, vendors, and law enforcement, the committee was split on how to proceed, and although the committee adopted a final report, no committee bill was produced. However, individual committee members indicated the discussion is far from over, and they plan to bring forward legislation during the 2023 session. Ideas for legislation may include consumer protection and legislation similar to the proposed committee bills.

Members of the public are welcome to sign up to testify at the meeting until 5:00 p.m. on September 30 or can also provide written comments on the subject.

To simply watch the meeting, click here.